Thursday, October 18, 2012

More Classes scheduled

This Saturday brings another set-up at the downtown Bloomington Farmers Market, 7:30 am to 12 noon.  Same space on Jefferson, and across from the music.  TOMB...The Old Men Boys, will be the band.  We have to go on record here to say they are the best group around, and definitely our favorites!

I have some new brooches/pins for the jackets and sweaters we're wearing this fall.  I'll try to get some photos up tomorrow.

Saturday afternoon 1p to 3:30 (or so) will be another Bronze Rings Class at 318 N. Main St. upstairs from the Off the Wall Gallery and Mary Lynn's Yarn Garden.    At this time, there are 3 students,  with room for 3 more.  

November 10th has been reserved for another class in Bronze Jewelry, same time and space.  The exact topic for this class is still under discussion.  Call me at 309-473-2013 for more information on this class, or anything else.  

At this point, we only have one more 2-day weekend show scheduled for this year.  That is coming right up on November 3 + 4 in Springfield at the Hope Presbyterian Church.  

We were very disappointed to hear our work was not chosen to be included in the Thieves Market Holiday Art Show in Iowa City in December this year.  We're on the Alternate List, but haven't had much luck with those kinds of lists this year.  It really is not a pleasant feeling to hear your work was not wanted...especially when I've never been rejected for this show before...and especially every year I have sold very well, and have many repeat customers there.   Art fair applicants are multiplying greatly, and apparently my work has been around too long, or not considered "right".  Oh well, its always been a horribly difficult show to set up for...glad to not go through that, at least!