Sunday, January 9, 2011

The One-Eyed Jeweler!

Last year I talked about Steve having surgery for a scarred retina. Unfortunately, it so far has not helped his totally blurred vision in the right eye. But, when one has been living "a life of art", not creating is terribly difficult. When we met, Steve was teaching Jr-High Art. His favorite art form was clay pottery. And now, after many, many years of no clay, he's now making his one-eyed bronze clay pieces.
He's having a ball, made all of the above.

Let us know how you like them, please.

I've sent in applications for the Spring Bloom Art Fair in March at the Sale Barn in Bloomington. Also, to art fairs in Barrington and Riverside, IL in May, and to fairs in Wheaton in June, and Batavia in August. Way too soon to hear if we'll be accepted at this point. Fingers are crossed. There will be more to come. The economy sounds promising, which would be good for us all.