Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tucson, AZ Gem Show and More

We stopped first at the Electric Park, the parking lot of the minor league baseball park. This holds huge number of everything from soup to nuts...all pertaining to making jewelry. Favorite vendors here include Blake Bros. Silver; Kent's Tools; Village Originals; and Bleily's Gems of Montana. These huge quartz crystals were like statues.

The Catalog in Motion sponsored by Rio Grande of Albuquerque, NM, hosts classes for beginners and experienced jewelers. I had signed up to take a class with Patrik Kusek of CA, a highly respected Metal Clay artisan. Needless to say, it was outstanding! I learned to make photopolymer plates to be used in texturing the silver and bronze clay. We experimented with the Vacuform machine...hugely impressive, and hugely expensive! Carving in an eraser, polymer clay textures, and other great resources were demonstrated. Patrik was very kind and an all-around great teacher. He kept us hopping! Above is a picture a necklace using the PPP texture we made in class!

Of course I discovered some gorgeous pearls and beads in amazing I come up with some designs, I will post some photos.

Arizona is an outstandingly beautiful state...from the high mountains to the desert floor, it's like no other place. We tend to gravitate to the southeastern section...real cowboy country. Love to hike the many trails and desert washes. Currently, the bestest place is on the eastern slopes of the Santa Rita Mountain range, coming in from around Sonoita. Trails and camping galore!

I've been accepted into the Spring Bloom Art Show and Sale in Bloomington being held Saturday, the 20th, at the Sale Barn. I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping for a great event in attendance and sales!

