Friday, June 24, 2011

Arts in the Park

We've not been to the Arts in the Park, Danville, IL. It appears that we should have. This is held in historic Lincoln Park in the SW corner of Danville.

This nice fair will have 60 artists in amongst the trees. It looks like a great weekend weather-wise!

Sadly, I am not able to take part in the art festival at the Shakespeare festival, due to unforseen circumstances.

Next weekend we'll be back at the Downtown Farmers Market and Artist Alley. Then, the wonderful Sugar Creek Art festival will take place in Uptown Normal the following weekend. More about that later.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Computer Issues

Last weekend my computer suffered an unknown problem and all my photos, documents, favorites, even the icons on the desktop...disappeared! I was able to restore it to a previous date and most of the icons came back, but nothing else. I found that I could mark "show hidden files" and most of the pictures and documents appeared, but the picture icons have a hazy grayish look, even though they open and appear normal. The Windows photo gallery at first looked ok with normal appearing icons, but suddenly they began to disappear before my eyes! It is empty now. What a pain...

At the market last Saturday I met Dick Folse, Managing Director of the Illinois Shakespeare Festival. He has invited me to take part in the Art Fair Sundays at the Festival, which starts on June 26th. As I'll still be in Peoria at the Luthy Botanical Gardens (see the show schedule), I won't start there until July 3rd. I'll also have a few pieces in the Ewing Manor gift shop through the summer.

The Bead Parlor in downtown Bloomington has had some changes recently. The bead sales have moved to the mezzanine, and Mary Lynn's Yarn Garden has moved into the shop with the Off The Wall Gallery of local jewelry artists, including Artjools!.

I'll be having a class on working with Bronzclay on June 18th, after the market, there at the shop. Contact me or Di at the Bead Parlor.